Kew Gardens

A R Hope Moncrieff

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“Thresher-poet,” the, 116 _Thresher’s Labour, The_, quoted, 117 Thurlow, Lord Chancellor, 62 Timber Museum, No. III., 190 Tooke, John Horne, 132 Topiarian art, the, 89 Trimmer, Mrs., 129 Tropical Lily House, 166 Tropics, plagues of the, 176 Tulips, 196 Turner, Dr. William, 83 Tutors of George III., 17 Twickenham, 21 “Two Kings of Brentford,” the, 132 Upas tree, 195 Victoria Gate, 112 Victoria, Princess, 81 Victoria, Queen, 112, 149 Victoria Regia, the, 162, 167 VISITING THE GARDENS, 157 Wales, Dowager Princess of, 20, 95 Wales, Prince Frederick of, 11, 88 Wallace, Dr. A. R., quoted, 174 Walpole, Horace, 9, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 28, 45, 63 Wedding of Princess Marie, 155 Wells, Mr. J. W., quoted, 189 West, Sir Algernon, quoted, 109 Weymouth, 65, 76 White House, the, 46 White Lodge, 155 Whitton Place, 97 Wild hyacinths, 196 Wilkes, John, 26, 131 Wilkes’s head, 76 “Wilkes and Liberty,” 89, 133 Wilkinson, Mr., _Reminiscences_, 154 William of Cumberland, 12, 18 William III., 8, 89 William IV., 87 Willis, Rev. Dr., 56, 68