Kew Gardens

A R Hope Moncrieff

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St. James’s Palace, 27 Saxe-Gotha, Princess Augusta of, 13 Scholarship, George IV.’s, 37 Schwellenberg, Mrs., 49, 68 Scotsmen as gardeners, 100, 105 Senna, 192 Seychelles, coco-nut of, 166 Sharp, Granville, 122 Sheen, 2 Sheen Common, 94 Sheen, the Monastery of, 83 Snowdrops, 196 Somerset, Protector, 84 South African plants, 168 _Spectator_, the, quoted, 90 Spencer, Lady Elizabeth, 27 STORY OF THE GARDENS, THE, 82 Strand-on-the-Green, 113, 126 Strawberry Hill, 90, 91 Succulent House, 169 Sudbrook Park, 114 Suffolk House, 4 Sun, Temple of the, 169 Sunday opening, 110 Sussex, Duke of, 45 Swift, quoted, 114 Switzer, Stephen, 87, 91 Sydney, Botanic Gardens at, 164 Syon House, 4, 84 Syon Vista, the, 197 Tamerlane’s garden, 100 Teck, Duke of, 155 Temple, Sir William, 87 Temple of Æolus, 169 Temple of the Sun, 169 Temple Grove, 87 Thackeray, quoted, 34 Theobald’s Park, Enfield, 5 Thiselton-Dyer, Sir W. T., 109 Thomson, James, 140