Kew Gardens

A R Hope Moncrieff

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Cobbett, William, 136 Coca leaves, 192 Coco-nut of Seychelles, 166 Coco-nut trees, uses of, 188 Colton, Charles Caleb, 143 Confucius, House of, 96 Cook’s Voyages, 105 _Copernicia cerifera_, a tree-of-all-work, 189 Cotton window, the, 191 Cowley, quoted, 84 Crocuses, 196 Cuba jungles, 171 Cumberland, Ernest, Duke of, 45, 81, 116, 150, 151 Cumberland, William of, 12, 18 Daffodils, 196 “Dairy House,” the, 11 D’Arblay, General, 71 Darwin, Erasmus, quoted, 98 Darwins, the, 102 Dates, 194 Deans, Jeanie, 9 De Candolles, the, 102 De Jussieus, the, 102 _Diary_, George Rose’s, 74 _Dictionary of National Biography_, quoted, 75 Digby, Colonel, 67 _Dissertation on Oriental Gardening_, 96 _Diversions of Purley_, the, 134 Doddington, Bubb, 20 Dowager Princess of Wales, 20, 95 Dragon-tree at Orotava, 180 “Drake, Peter,” 95 Drawing-rooms at St. James’s, 50 Duck, Misses, 116 Duck, Stephen, 94, 116, 117 Dutch House, the, 11, 29, 74 Edinburgh Botanical Garden, 103 Edward III., 2 Elizabeth, Queen, 5 “Elizabeth’s house, Princess,” 46