Kew Gardens

A R Hope Moncrieff

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Boswell, 70 Botanic Garden at Kew, 95, 101, 107, 112 Botanists, portraits of explorers and, 195 Bradley, Astronomer-Royal, 87 Brazil nuts, 193 Brentford, 8, 77, 113, 119, 132 Bridgeman, gardener, 91 Brown, “Capability,” 95 Buckingham Palace, 27, 32, 78 Buitenzorg Gardens, Java, 161 Burney, Miss, quoted, 46, 59, 66, 67 Burton, Decimus, 108 Bushey Park, 149 Bute, Earl of, 19, 23, 95, 123 “Buttonmaker,” nickname of George III., 31 Byam, Rev. R. B., 145 Cactus aloe, 169 Cambridge Cottage, 46, 123, 153, 156 Cambridge, Duke Adolphus of, 45, 81, 116, 153 Cambridge, Duke George of, 154 Cambridge, Princess Mary of, 155 Capel, Lord, 11, 87 Carleton House, 77 Carob pods, 193 Caroline, Queen, 9, 10, 94, 116 Cassava, 194 Castor-oil plant, the, 193 Cedars of Lebanon, 197 Chambers, Sir William, 96 Character of George III., 22 Charles I., 7 Charlotte, Princess, 80, 81 Charlotte, Queen, 24, 47, 52 68, 80 Chatterton, quoted, 98 Chelsea, Physic Garden of, 101 Chestnuts, 194 Chrysanthemums, 196 Church House, 123 City State Barge, 143 Clarence, Duke of, 45, 70, 81