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Macb. Came they not by you? Lenox. No indeed my Lord Macb. Infected be the Ayre whereon they ride, And damn'd all those that trust them. I did heare The gallopping of Horse. Who was't came by? Len. 'Tis two or three my Lord, that bring you word: Macduff is fled to England Macb. Fled to England? Len. I, my good Lord Macb. Time, thou anticipat'st my dread exploits: The flighty purpose neuer is o're-tooke Vnlesse the deed go with it. From this moment, The very firstlings of my heart shall be The firstlings of my hand. And euen now To Crown my thoughts with Acts: be it thoght & done: The Castle of Macduff, I will surprize. Seize vpon Fife; giue to th' edge o'th' Sword His Wife, his Babes, and all vnfortunate Soules That trace him in his Line. No boasting like a Foole, This deed Ile do, before this purpose coole, But no more sights. Where are these Gentlemen? Come bring me where they are. Exeunt. Scena Secunda. Enter Macduffes Wife, her Son, and Rosse. Wife. What had he done, to make him fly the Land? Rosse. You must haue patience Madam Wife. He had none: His flight was madnesse: when our Actions do not, Our feares do make vs Traitors Rosse. You know not Whether it was his wisedome, or his feare Wife. Wisedom? to leaue his wife, to leaue his Babes, His Mansion, and his Titles, in a place From whence himselfe do's flye? He loues vs not, He wants the naturall touch. For the poore Wren (The most diminitiue of Birds) will fight, Her yong ones in her Nest, against the Owle: All is the Feare, and nothing is the Loue; As little is the Wisedome, where the flight So runnes against all reason Rosse. My deerest Cooz, I pray you schoole your selfe. But for your Husband, He is Noble, Wise, Iudicious, and best knowes The fits o'th' Season. I dare not speake much further, But cruell are the times, when we are Traitors And do not know our selues: when we hold Rumor From what we feare, yet know not what we feare, But floate vpon a wilde and violent Sea Each way, and moue. I take my leaue of you: Shall not be long but Ile be heere againe: Things at the worst will cease, or else climbe vpward, To what they were before. My pretty Cosine, Blessing vpon you Wife. Father'd he is, And yet hee's Father-lesse Rosse. I am so much a Foole, should I stay longer It would be my disgrace, and your discomfort. I take my leaue at once. Exit Rosse. Wife. Sirra, your Fathers dead, And what will you do now? How will you liue? Son. As Birds do Mother Wife. What with Wormes, and Flyes? Son. With what I get I meane, and so do they Wife. Poore Bird, Thou'dst neuer Feare the Net, nor Lime, The Pitfall, nor the Gin Son. Why should I Mother? Poore Birds they are not set for: My Father is not dead for all your saying Wife. Yes, he is dead: How wilt thou do for a Father? Son. Nay how will you do for a Husband? Wife. Why I can buy me twenty at any Market Son. Then you'l by 'em to sell againe Wife. Thou speak'st withall thy wit, And yet I'faith with wit enough for thee Son. Was my Father a Traitor, Mother? Wife. I, that he was Son. What is a Traitor? Wife. Why one that sweares, and lyes Son. And be all Traitors, that do so Wife. Euery one that do's so, is a Traitor, And must be hang'd Son. And must they all be hang'd, that swear and lye? Wife. Euery one Son. Who must hang them? Wife. Why, the honest men Son. Then the Liars and Swearers are Fools: for there are Lyars and Swearers enow, to beate the honest men, and hang vp them Wife. Now God helpe thee, poore Monkie: But how wilt thou do for a Father? Son. If he were dead, youl'd weepe for him: if you would not, it were a good signe, that I should quickely haue a new Father Wife. Poore pratler, how thou talk'st? Enter a Messenger. Mes. Blesse you faire Dame: I am not to you known, Though in your state of Honor I am perfect; I doubt some danger do's approach you neerely. If you will take a homely mans aduice, Be not found heere: Hence with your little ones To fright you thus. Me thinkes I am too sauage: To do worse to you, were fell Cruelty, Which is too nie your person. Heauen preserue you, I dare abide no longer. Exit Messenger Wife. Whether should I flye? I haue done no harme. But I remember now I am in this earthly world: where to do harme Is often laudable, to do good sometime Accounted dangerous folly. Why then (alas) Do I put vp that womanly defence, To say I haue done no harme? What are these faces? Enter Murtherers. Mur. Where is your Husband? Wife. I hope in no place so vnsanctified, Where such as thou may'st finde him Mur. He's a Traitor Son. Thou ly'st thou shagge-ear'd Villaine Mur. What you Egge? Yong fry of Treachery? Son. He ha's kill'd me Mother, Run away I pray you. Exit crying Murther. Scaena Tertia.