
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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[Footnote 76: By the Classic age is generally meant the age of Greece and Rome; and by the Romantic is meant the middle ages.] [Footnote 77: Introversion. Introspection is the more usual word to express the analytic self-searching so common in these days.] [Footnote 78: Second thoughts. Emerson uses the word here in the same sense as the French _arrière-pensée_, a mental reservation.] [Footnote 79: "And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought." _Hamlet_, Act III, Sc. 1. ] [Footnote 80: Movement. The French Revolution.] [Footnote 81: Let every common object be credited with the diviner attributes which will class it among others of the same importance.] [Footnote 82: Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774). An eminent English poet and writer. He is best known by the comedy "She Stoops to Conquer," the poem "The Deserted Village," and the "Vicar of Wakefield." "Of all romances in miniature," says Schlegel, the great German critic, "the 'Vicar of Wakefield' is the most exquisite." It is probably the most popular English work of fiction in Germany.] [Footnote 83: Robert Burns (1759-1796). A celebrated Scottish poet. The most striking characteristics of Burns' poetry are simplicity and intensity, in which he is scarcely, if at all, inferior to any of the greatest poets that have ever lived.] [Footnote 84: William Cowper (1731-1800). One of the most popular of English poets. His poem "The Task" was probably more read in his day than any poem of equal length in the language. Cowper also made an excellent translation of Homer.] [Footnote 85: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832). The most illustrious name in German literature; a great poet, dramatist, novelist, philosopher, and critic. The Germans regard Goethe with the same veneration we accord to Shakespeare. The colossal drama "Faust" is the most splendid product of his genius, though he wrote a large number of other plays and poems.] [Footnote 86: William Wordsworth (1770-1850). By many considered the greatest of modern English poets. His descriptions of the ever-varying moods of nature are the most exquisite in the language. Matthew Arnold in his essay on Emerson says: "As Wordsworth's poetry is, in my judgment, the most important work done in verse in our language during the present century, so Emerson's 'Essays' are, I think, the most important work done in prose."] [Footnote 87: Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881). A famous English essayist, historian, and speculative philosopher. It is scarcely too much to say that no other author of this century has exerted a greater influence not merely upon the literature but upon the mind of the English nation than Carlyle. Emerson was an intimate friend of Carlyle, and during the greater part of his life maintained a correspondence with the great Englishman. An interesting description of their meeting will be found among the "Critical Opinions" at the beginning of the work.] [Footnote 88: Alexander Pope (1688-1744). The author of the "Essay on Criticism," "Rape of the Lock," the "Essay on Man," and other famous poems. Pope possessed little originality or creative imagination, but he had a vivid sense of the beautiful and an exquisite taste. He owed much of his popularity to the easy harmony of his verse and the keenness of his satire.] [Footnote 89: Samuel Johnson (1709-1784). One of the eminent writers of the eighteenth century. He wrote "Lives of the Poets," poems, and probably the most remarkable work of the kind ever produced by a single person, an English dictionary.] [Footnote 90: Edward Gibbon (1737-1794). One of the most distinguished of English historians. His great work is the "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire." Carlyle called Gibbon, "the splendid bridge from the old world to the new."] [Footnote 91: Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772). A great Swedish theologian, naturalist, and mathematician, and the founder of a religious sect which has since his death become prominent among the philosophical schools of Christianity.] [Footnote 92: Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827). A Swiss teacher and educational reformer of great influence in his time.] COMPENSATION [Footnote 93: These lines are printed under the title of _Compensation_ in Emerson's collected poems. He has also another poem of eight lines with the same title.] [Footnote 94: Documents, data, facts.] [Footnote 95: This doctrine, which a little observation would confute, is still taught by some.] [Footnote 96: Doubloons, Spanish and South American gold coins of the value of about $15.60 each.] [Footnote 97: Polarity, that quality or condition of a body by virtue of which it exhibits opposite or contrasted properties in opposite or contrasted directions.] [Footnote 98: Systole and diastole, the contraction and dilation of the heart and arteries.] [Footnote 99: They are increased and consequently want more.] [Footnote 100: Intenerate, soften.] [Footnote 101: White House, the popular name of the presidential mansion at Washington.] [Footnote 102: Explain the phrase _eat dust_.] [Footnote 103: Overlook, oversee, superintend.] [Footnote 104: Res nolunt, etc. Translated in the previous sentence.] [Footnote 105: The world ... dew. Explain the thought. What gives the earth its shape?] [Footnote 106: The microscope ... little. This statement is not in accordance with the facts, if we are to understand _perfect_ in the sense which the next sentence would suggest.] [Footnote 107: Emerson has been considered a pantheist.] [Footnote 108: _[Greek: Hoi kyboi]_, etc. The translation follows in the text. This old proverb is quoted by Sophocles, (Fragm. LXXIV.2) in the form: [Greek: Aei gar eu piptousin oi Dios kyboi], Emerson uses it in _Nature_ in the form "Nature's dice are always loaded."] [Footnote 109: Amain, with full force, vigorously.] [Footnote 110: The proverb is quoted by Horace, Epistles, I, X.24: