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“I wouldn’t doubt you, old man. Open that, Jack, will you?” Mr Power again officiated. Glasses were rinsed and five small measures of whisky were poured out. This new influence enlivened the conversation. Mr Fogarty, sitting on a small area of the chair, was specially interested. “Pope Leo XIII.,” said Mr Cunningham, “was one of the lights of the age. His great idea, you know, was the union of the Latin and Greek Churches. That was the aim of his life.” “I often heard he was one of the most intellectual men in Europe,” said Mr Power. “I mean, apart from his being Pope.” “So he was,” said Mr Cunningham, “if not the most so. His motto, you know, as Pope, was Lux upon Lux—Light upon Light.” “No, no,” said Mr Fogarty eagerly. “I think you’re wrong there. It was Lux in Tenebris, I think—Light in Darkness.” “O yes,” said Mr M’Coy, “Tenebrae.” “Allow me,” said Mr Cunningham positively, “it was Lux upon Lux. And Pius IX. his predecessor’s motto was Crux upon Crux—that is, Cross upon Cross—to show the difference between their two pontificates.” The inference was allowed. Mr Cunningham continued. “Pope Leo, you know, was a great scholar and a poet.” “He had a strong face,” said Mr Kernan. “Yes,” said Mr Cunningham. “He wrote Latin poetry.” “Is that so?” said Mr Fogarty. Mr M’Coy tasted his whisky contentedly and shook his head with a double intention, saying: “That’s no joke, I can tell you.” “We didn’t learn that, Tom,” said Mr Power, following Mr M’Coy’s example, “when we went to the penny-a-week school.” “There was many a good man went to the penny-a-week school with a sod of turf under his oxter,” said Mr Kernan sententiously. “The old system was the best: plain honest education. None of your modern trumpery....” “Quite right,” said Mr Power. “No superfluities,” said Mr Fogarty. He enunciated the word and then drank gravely. “I remember reading,” said Mr Cunningham, “that one of Pope Leo’s poems was on the invention of the photograph—in Latin, of course.” “On the photograph!” exclaimed Mr Kernan. “Yes,” said Mr Cunningham. He also drank from his glass. “Well, you know,” said Mr M’Coy, “isn’t the photograph wonderful when you come to think of it?” “O, of course,” said Mr Power, “great minds can see things.” “As the poet says: Great minds are very near to madness,” said Mr Fogarty. Mr Kernan seemed to be troubled in mind. He made an effort to recall the Protestant theology on some thorny points and in the end addressed Mr Cunningham. “Tell me, Martin,” he said. “Weren’t some of the popes—of course, not our present man, or his predecessor, but some of the old popes—not exactly ... you know ... up to the knocker?” There was a silence. Mr Cunningham said: “O, of course, there were some bad lots.... But the astonishing thing is this. Not one of them, not the biggest drunkard, not the most ... out-and-out ruffian, not one of them ever preached ex cathedra a word of false doctrine. Now isn’t that an astonishing thing?” “That is,” said Mr Kernan. “Yes, because when the Pope speaks ex cathedra,” Mr Fogarty explained, “he is infallible.” “Yes,” said Mr Cunningham. “O, I know about the infallibility of the Pope. I remember I was younger then.... Or was it that——?” Mr Fogarty interrupted. He took up the bottle and helped the others to a little more. Mr M’Coy, seeing that there was not enough to go round, pleaded that he had not finished his first measure. The others accepted under protest. The light music of whisky falling into glasses made an agreeable interlude. “What’s that you were saying, Tom?” asked Mr M’Coy. “Papal infallibility,” said Mr Cunningham, “that was the greatest scene in the whole history of the Church.” “How was that, Martin?” asked Mr Power. Mr Cunningham held up two thick fingers.