Preview - part11 of47
During this scene Borachio and Conrade were in prison. There they were examined by a constable called Dogberry. The watchman gave evidence to the effect that Borachio had said that he had received a thousand ducats for conspiring against Hero. Leonato was not present at this examination, but he was nevertheless now thoroughly convinced Of Hero’s innocence. He played the part of bereaved father very well, and when Don Pedro and Claudio called on him in a friendly way, he said to the Italian, “You have slandered my child to death, and I challenge you to combat.” “I cannot fight an old man,” said Claudio. “You could kill a girl,” sneered Leonato, and Claudio crimsoned. Hot words grew from hot words, and both Don Pedro and Claudio were feeling scorched when Leonato left the room and Benedick entered. “The old man,” said Claudio, “was like to have snapped my nose off.” “You are a villain!” said Benedick, shortly. “Fight me when and with what weapon you please, or I call you a coward.” Claudio was astounded, but said, “I’ll meet you. Nobody shall say I can’t carve a calf’s head.” Benedick smiled, and as it was time for Don Pedro to receive officials, the Prince sat down in a chair of state and prepared his mind for justice. The door soon opened to admit Dogberry and his prisoners. “What offence,” said Don Pedro, “are these men charged with?” Borachio thought the moment a happy one for making a clean breast of it. He laid the whole blame on Don John, who had disappeared. “The lady Hero being dead,” he said, “I desire nothing but the reward of a murderer.” Claudio heard with anguish and deep repentance. Upon the re-entrance of Leonato be said to him, “This slave makes clear your daughter’s innocence. Choose your revenge. “Leonato,” said Don Pedro, humbly, “I am ready for any penance you may impose.” “I ask you both, then,” said Leonato, “to proclaim my daughter’s innocence, and to honor her tomb by singing her praise before it. As for you, Claudio, I have this to say: my brother has a daughter so like Hero that she might be a copy of her. Marry her, and my vengeful feelings die.” “Noble sir,” said Claudio, “I am yours.” Claudio then went to his room and composed a solemn song. Going to the church with Don Pedro and his attendants, he sang it before the monument of Leonato’s family. When he had ended he said, “Good night, Hero. Yearly will I do this.” He then gravely, as became a gentleman whose heart was Hero’s, made ready to marry a girl whom he did not love. He was told to meet her in Leonato’s house, and was faithful to his appointment. He was shown into a room where Antonio (Leonato’s brother) and several masked ladies entered after him. Friar Francis, Leonato, and Benedick were present. Antonio led one of the ladies towards Claudio. “Sweet,” said the young man, “let me see your face.” “Swear first to marry her,” said Leonato. “Give me your hand,” said Claudio to the lady; “before this holy friar I swear to marry you if you will be my wife.” “Alive I was your wife,” said the lady, as she drew off her mask. “Another Hero!” exclaimed Claudio. “Hero died,” explained Leonato, “only while slander lived.” The Friar was then going to marry the reconciled pair, but Benedick interrupted him with, “Softly, Friar; which of these ladies is Beatrice?” Hereat Beatrice unmasked, and Benedick said, “You love me, don’t you?” “Only moderately,” was the reply. “Do you love me?” “Moderately,” answered Benedick. “I was told you were well-nigh dead for me,” remarked Beatrice. “Of you I was told the same,” said Benedick. “Here’s your own hand in evidence of your love,” said Claudio, producing a feeble sonnet which Benedick had written to his sweetheart. “And here,” said Hero, “is a tribute to Benedick, which I picked out of the pocket of Beatrice.” “A miracle!” exclaimed Benedick. “Our hands are against our hearts! Come, I will marry you, Beatrice.” “You shall be my husband to save your life,” was the rejoinder. Benedick kissed her on the mouth; and the Friar married them after he had married Claudio and Hero. “How is Benedick the married man?” asked Don Pedro. “Too happy to be made unhappy,” replied Benedick. “Crack what jokes you will. As for you, Claudio, I had hoped to run you through the body, but as you are now my kinsman, live whole and love my cousin.” “My cudgel was in love with you, Benedick, until to-day,” said Claudio; but, “Come, come, let’s dance,” said Benedick.